D iego Garza Colli

Mr. Garza is counsel at Creel, García-Cuéllar, Aiza y Enríquez, S.C., in Mexico City, where he specializes in tax consulting and litigation.

Mr. Garza obtained his law degree (JD) from the Universidad Panamericana in México City in 2012. He also obtained his Master of Laws at Universidad Panamericana in 2014.

Mr. Garza has participated in different operations such as the acquisition of the shares of Grupo Modelo, Iusacell, among others, participated in different corporate restructurings such as the one carried out by PayPal and has been in charge of closing different tax audits, as well as processing and successful closing of various settlement agreements of companies such as Newmount, Terminal KMS, Financiera Independencia, to name a few.

Currently, he has specialized in tax controversy, specifically, in activities such as tax inspections, settlement agreements and complaints before the Tax Advocate Office, refund requests, drafting of administrative appeals and negotiations before tax authorities in order to close successfully the different procedures before tax administration.

Mr. Garza’s native language is Spanish and he’s fluent at English.