I MSS Inbox

Please be informed that on June 7, 2024, the Decree that reformed, modified and derogated diverse dispositions related to the Social Security Law regarding digital tools for diverse proceedings (the “Decree”) was published in the Federal Official Gazette and entered into effect on June 8, 2024.

According to the Decree, the electronic inbox (“IMSS inbox”) will be the means of communication for the IMSS to notify any resolution, requirement or administrative process and to inform in connection to any issues of concern.

The individuals will be able to file requests related to the authorities’ faculties.

The undertakings or requests filed through the IMSS inbox will have the same legal effects as documents originally signed and as such, will have the same evidentiary value that the applicable legal dispositions grant the latter.

The IMSS authorities will be able to notify requirements, citations and to require information or documentation to the individuals as well as to issue resolutions and any issues or concern through the IMSS Inbox.

The IMSS authorities will notify resolutions through its podiums in case the individuals do not activate or include incorrect data or if they do not register or update their main contact information.

Hence, the individuals must register and update their main contact information before the IMSS, in accordance with the guidelines that will be approved by the IMSS Technical Committee, which will be published within the following 60 days. The individuals must continue following the current “General Guidelines for the use of the IMSS Inbox” until the new guidelines are duly published.

For more information, please feel free to contact Francisco Peniche Beguerisse or, Julio Álvarez at:

Tel: (52-55) 4748-0600