F usiones y Adquisiciones

Una de nuestras áreas de práctica principales ha sido tradicionalmente la de Fusiones y Adquisiciones, brindando asesoría a clientes nacionales y extranjeros en todos los aspectos relacionados con la compra, venta y combinación de empresas y negocios dentro de industrias reguladas y no reguladas.

A lo largo de los años, hemos representado a clientes mexicanos y extranjeros en una amplia variedad de operaciones de fusiones y adquisiciones, incluyendo:

  • adquisiciones negociadas
  • fusiones y escisiones
  • ofertas públicas de compra (OPAs)
  • compras apalancadas
  • compras por parte de equipos de gestión
  • co-inversiones y alianzas estratégicas
  • reestructuras corporativas
  • privatizaciones

Nuestra principal fortaleza y ventaja competitiva en el área de Fusiones y Adquisiciones deriva de la combinación de nuestra experiencia transaccional, nuestro conocimiento especializado en la mayoría de las industrias y nuestros equipos multidisciplinarios formados por abogados de las distintas áreas de práctica que conforman la Firma, incluyendo Competencia Económica, Derecho Laboral, Derecho Fiscal, Derecho Inmobiliario, Derecho Ambiental y Propiedad Intelectual y Medios. Dicha experiencia transaccional, visión de negocios y oferta multidisciplinaria ha comprobado ser una herramienta indispensable al momento de estructurar y concretar fusiones y adquisiciones complejas, innovadoras y demandantes.

Chambers and Partners y IFLR 1000 han reconocido a nuestra Firma como Leading y Tier 1, respectivamente, en materia de Fusiones y Adquisiciones, y han reconocido en lo individual a varios de nuestros socios como líderes en la materia.

Cada año, Chambers Global (www.chambersandpartners.com) reafirma nuestro ranking como la Firma líder en Fusiones y Adquisiciones en México, describiendo nuestra práctica a través de los años de la siguiente manera:

“This firm is incredible across the board: the lawyers go above and beyond in order to fully involve themselves in the transaction and apply a creative business approach to legal issues. They are always on top of everything and work to a very high standard – I believe they are the best M&A lawyers in Mexico.»

“…A major player in Mexico that handles a regular flow of M&A deals…and recently topped the Mexican league tables based on deal value…It is invariably found on the largest transactions, whether M&A privatizations or IPOs and is recognized for its thorough professionalism and team of young high-quality practitioners…”

Chambers and Partners Latin America comenta sobre nuestra práctica en el área de Fusiones y Adquisiciones lo siguiente:

«We consider this to be one of the top firms in the country for M&A matters. The lawyers have experience in the Mexican market as well as an impressive understanding of how to structure deals for US clients-they are our first port of call for transactions of this kind.»

“This prestigious firm is consistently involved in the most complex and innovative deals taking place in the market.”

«Their level of sophistication is above that of many other firms. They offer sophistication in the knowledge of all the areas related to an acquisition, which makes them different.»

De una manera similar, IFLR 1000 ha escrito a lo largo de los años respecto de nuestra práctica:

“…Creel, García-Cuéllar, Aiza y Enríquez has consistently been one of Mexico’s strongest M&A firms in recent years, and continues to merit accolades through its involvement in many of Mexico’s largest transactions…”

“…Creel, García-Cuéllar, Aiza y Enríquez is an excellent firm, highly respected for its M&A work, and interviewees regarded its position in tier one as an accurate reflection of its standing in the market. Its prowess has brought it some of Mexico’s biggest M&A transactions…”

IFLR 1000 (www.iflr.com) escribe:

“…Creel, García-Cuéllar, Aiza y Enríquez has consistently been one of Mexico’s strongest M&A firms in recent years, and continues to merit accolades through its involvement in many of Mexico’s largest transactions…”

“…Creel, García-Cuéllar, Aiza y Enríquez is an excellent firm, highly respected for its M&A work, and interviewees regarded its position in tier one as an accurate reflection of its standing in the market. Its prowess has brought it some of Mexico’s biggest M&A transactions…”

“Creel reports an impressive volume of complex M&A transactions over the past year.»

La publicación Legal 500 (www.legal500.com) escribe lo siguiente sobre nuestra practica:

“Corporate powerhouse Creel, García-Cuéllar, Aiza y Enríquez, S.C. has continued to build its already impressive standing in the corporate sector.”

«Knowledge of the industry and the law, attention to detail, partner availability, efficient document production for the operation in question, talented professionals, good judgment and availability. They are very organized and structured people.»