I nvestigations and Compliance

In an environment of ever-increasing regulatory oversight and scrutiny, where legal compliance has become a priority item for companies across all industries and sectors, our clients turn to us for advice in dealing with their legal and regulatory compliance needs arising in the context of antitrust, securities fraud, anticorruption, employee misconduct and white collar investigations.  Accordingly, our Firm has handled the Mexican law aspects of many of the most notable and high-stake’s multinational investigations over the last decade, working collaboratively with leading global and international law firms and consultants.

Our practice focuses on providing our clients with risk prevention, risk management and protection.  More specifically, our work in this area includes the following:

  • Advising on the design and implementation of compliance and training programs and policies, including policies designed to give effect to FCPA and the UK Bribery Act in Mexico.
  • Conducting compliance due diligence and investigations in the context of M&A and other transactions, and in respect to specific incidents and investigations.
  • Handling all local legal needs of clients in the context of legal and compliance investigations, including, as required, the representation of clients before the corresponding enforcement agencies.
  • Advising Boards and its members, as well as audit committees  and other governance bodies in the context of compliance related matters.

The Legal 500 hightlights about our practice the following:

“Creel, García-Cuéllar, Aiza y Enríquez, S.C.’s team excels in understanding ‘the needs of their clients’, offering a solid practice comprised of ‘dynamic and comprehensive professionals who have a deep understanding of regulation’.”

“‘Dynamic and comprehensive professionals who have a deep understanding of regulation, as well as its practical application in the day-to-day legal and regulatory affairs of the institutions they are acting for. Their service is elite and they are at the forefront of what similar offices handle.‘”